Sunday, February 3, 2013


"Stop being dramatic and eat your pomegranate" he said calmly.

I have been rather dramatic, haven't I? I gave up a life, moved continents, lost a huge amount of money. Still unemployed, still fighting off marriage proposals and still haven't acquired the ability to wake up before Appa splashes water on my face every morning. And yet, what do I complain about? Boys. Not the lack there of, but the there of.  Quietly, swiftly and deftly falling in and out of love. Like a ninja. (Ninjas are allowed to love, no?)

"You have boy stuff to talk about? Again? Somethings never change."

That's a little comforting, actually.


Soin said...

i guess you just need to read Bharathi again..

Anonymous said...

For whatever reasons you stopped...You need to start writing again.