Thursday, July 22, 2010


"I realized.. I want a house husband. I hate housework, and I love my job. S..o, I want a house husband and I will demand dowry."

"you need a sex change operation, don't you?"

"no.. I'm just a guy who's very comfortable in a girl's body. I love my girl body..."

"So you just need to find your opposite. Right"

"Yes, a girl's mind in a guy's body. Preferably a nice, hot body. That's all I need to find, and I'm set for life"

"Craigslist!! Look for it on Craigslist!"


Soin said...

i am encouraged. there are girls who will take me in, where they earn and i sit and play footy manager and see footy matches. intro your friend please. i will loose weight..ok thasall

Panjamirtham said...

soin: house husband is not wanted so he can sit on his ass, watch "footy" drink beer and grow fat. house husband is wanted so he will do house work, make dinner and raise the noisy bratty kids.

Soin said...

cooking can happen. kids can make them watch footy. the point is ponnunga can accept veetoda purushan and earn the

vb said...

suddenly, hate housework a? what's all with this cooking, vikking stuff then?

start posting in desi matrimony websites also. u will be surprised to see how many replies u get..

Zaradin said...

you need to write more often. i'm disappointed that you don't update as much as i would want to read